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knowledge Of Consumption Managment

water is necessary for life on earth

You know you can save water by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth, “letting it mellow” and taking care not to waste it while cooking and cleaning. But did you know this direct water use only makes up a small portion of all the water you use? There is way more water – al...
Saturday، 05 October 2019 - 08:54
Fixtures that save water include low-flow shower heads, sinks with auto-shutoff mechanisms, and water-saving toilets and urinals. Equipment that saves water includes dishwashers, clothes washers, other commercial kitchen equipment such as sprayers and steam cookers, as well as industrial process eq...
Saturday، 05 October 2019 - 08:22
Part 1 of 4: Conserving indoor water in general Save water from your taps. Turn the faucet/tap off while you are brushing your teeth, shaving, washing your hands, doing dishes, and so on. Turn the tap off when you shower, too. Get wet, then turn off the water while you soap up. Turn it ba...
Wednesday، 02 October 2019 - 14:35